Getting your first set of Professional Acting Headshots

Acting is one of the few careers in life where there is no barrier to entry, of course it can really help to study Acting at drama school / university but it is also a profession that is available to anyone who wants to try. As an London Photographer who specialises in Actor Headshots this is what I love as I work with people from all walks of life from drama students to someone switching careers later in life to actors who have been performing all of their lives. The one thing that all of these people have in common though is a need for Acting Headshots that can help them stand out from the crowd and show off their range as a professional actor.

If you are someone who is just starting on your journey with acting, a professional headshot might not be at the top of your list of things to get done, however as soon as you start applying for castings and auditions, your headshot is one of your most important tools as for many instants this will be the first impression that you give an agent or casting director. By working with a headshot photographer you will be able to create a portfolio of shots that you can then use for the type of roles that you want to audition for, you will have the benefit of their experience when it comes to knowing how to light you, frame you and direct you so that your acting Headshots help you stand out when a casting director has a multitude of people to look through!

One of the most important things to do when getting your first set of Headshots for acting is to find a professional headshot photographer who’s style you really love, that way you know from the start the type of Headshots that you will come away with. Once you are all booked in, have a read through any information about the session that your photographer has sent you and remember to ask any questions that you might have before the session as it will allow you to be more relaxed going into the shoot! 

Nearly everyone is nervous when it come to the day of getting headshots taken, but remember that during the session, your headshot photographer is there to help, guide and work with you to achieve the looks that you or your agent want and so have a chat with them about the type of roles that you are looking to be cast in as they will then be able to talk you through clothing, backdrops, lighting that would work best for you. This way you will understand their process a lot better and that will hopefully take away your nerves!

After the shoot and when you have received your gallery of images, a headshot tip that I give all of my clients is to have an initial look through and select some favourite shots and then to take a break for a little while and come back to the gallery as well as getting another set of eyes to look through as well. Agents, drama teachers, friends and family are really useful as it will give you another perspective on your Headshots and you might find some shots that would work really well for certain roles that you have missed.

Overall the process of getting your acting headshots should be a really enjoyable experience, while it can be daunting to think about, by finding and working with the right photographer you can have a headshot session that you will really enjoy and have Actor headshots that work the best for you!

David Yiu

David is a BACP Registered Therapist and Headshot Photographer based in London.


First set of Acting Headshots